10 Writing Tips to Make Your Content Powerful 

writing content

The ability to write influential, efficient, and spotless content is nothing short of an art.

Nowadays, there are thousands upon thousands of content writers engaged in writing and spicing up content on blogs or writing copy for business websites.

In an estimated crowd of over 87 million blogs published worldwide, how do you make your content stand out as unique? 

While writing content, it is crucial for one to craft each piece such that it can stun the reader and keep them glued. Influential content can draw the attention of the audience, entertain them, and convince them to take action.

So, what can you do better to have the desired effect on your content?  

In this article, we have compiled the top ten content writing tips to help you curate powerful and impressive content pieces.

Continue reading to find out more:   

1. Finding the right keywords. 


When someone types in a search query on Google, they usually use a mixture of different keywords and phrases to find the desired information online.

For instance, a person is searching online for birthday party ideas, they may search online using keywords and phrases like “birthday celebration” or “unique birthday party ideas” to find content that answers the questions they have or solves the problems they face. Thus, finding the right choice of keywords to use in your content is a fruitful way to ensure a high SERP and drive organic traffic.  

Inserting keywords in your content is not a random process and requires sufficient research. Writers need to start by researching keywords and phrases relevant to their niche and targeting them through their content.

Uncovering low competition keywords can be a beneficial tactic to help you secure a good rank on the Search Engine Results Page.

While incorporating the keywords in your content, ensure you include them seamlessly such that it does not break up the flow of your content or seem too forced.   

2. Allow your audience to experience it.  

An influential work of content can capture the attention of your audience and ensnare their senses. The power of content writers lies in making readers experience the story they are telling.

When people read or listen to a well-told story, they become immersed in the story and develop a connection with the storyteller (you or your brand).  

It is at this juncture that people no longer only imagine the story but start to experience it as well! Storytelling is a powerful tool in the hands of content writers, for it can generate emotions.

Using impactful metaphors and strong verbs can help your content become more realistic and relatable and trigger the sensory cortex of your audience. In this way, you can engage on a deeper level with your audience.

3. Don’t underestimate the power of reading out loud! 

An underrated yet beneficial method of finding out whether your content is helpful is to read it aloud. Practicing the method of out loud reading can help you as a content writer uncover opportunities to improve your content.

Usually, writers only read what they are writing using their inner voice instead of reading it out loud.  

Under such circumstances, our brain often fails to register the exact meaning and flow of the content. Hence, one cannot be sure whether what they wrote is readable, helpful, and concise for users to follow.

When you read your content aloud, you can easily track down the issues in your content and remove them.   

4. Checking the works of your competitors for topics    

A judicious way of finding out the best topics for your niche is by getting a little inspiration from the content posted by your competitors.

So, instead of sitting and guessing the topics your readers want to see, you can research the topics working well for your competitors and use them in your work.  

Once you do this, you will come across topics used by your competitors and create content that’s 10x better and fills in all the gaps they missed to secure a good ranking.

So now, you can try using these topics in your content to find a ripe opportunity for you to capture more traffic seamlessly.  And maybe steal some of that traffic directly from your competitors.

5. Using repetitions deliberately. 

Think back to when you were listening to some of the historic speeches throughout history? Martin Luther, Jr. , John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Barrack Obama.

One element that helped make those people great orators was the ability to repeat certain words and phrases deliberately in their speeches. The same tactic can work well in crafting powerful content.  

By adding repetitive stock phrases and keywords, you can incorporate a sense of flair and make your content sound more dramatic than it is. In this way, you can help make your content stand out as powerful and unique.   

6. Curating linkable assets.   

Linkable assets refer to content pieces that help in earning backlinks naturally. When writers work on original research, case studies, or even draft in-depth guides, they can post it as a linkable asset on their website. However, choosing the right content format can often be tricky for content writers.  

One of the most commonplace strategies adopted by content writers is choosing the format commonly used by others in their industry. So, you can start by looking at the backlink profiles of your competitors and find the patterns in the top linked pages.

You can check if they are writing about debatable topics, using a long or short format, etc., and use it as a guideline to curate your content.    

7. Optimizing your headers, title tags, and meta descriptions.  

Headers, title tags, and meta descriptions are yet another key area that requires optimization when creating content. A user will initially check out the title tag and meta description of your page before they click on it, as the meta description is what shows up in search results to describe your content and entice readers to click.

Example of how meta description appears in search results

If you have your descriptions optimized and you start to earn some clicks, you’ll want to have headers in place to grab attention and move readers through your site. Your readers will usually check out the headers in your content before reading the entire post. 

So, pay careful attention to your headers so you can move people along.  

Understanding the immense vitality of these three key areas is important. Writers need to ensure every page has a unique title tag that does not exceed 50 characters and includes your primary keyword. Meta descriptions must not exceed 120 characters and need to include your target keywords.   

8. Create readable and organized content.  

Today, users seem to always be on the run and often are not willing to waste time on content that’s not optimized to be easily readable and is well-organized. Consequently, it’s critical that you optimize your content to help your readers get to the point and find the info they seek quickly.  

Having a good and seamless structure in your content is the first step to creating easy-to-read content. Including skim-able headers, short paragraphs, and small sentences are some other beneficial approaches you can adopt to make your content impactful.

Further, sticking to a simple choice of words and reviewing the overall readability of your content, in the end, is also vital for content writers to create content that has a positive impact on the business.    

9. Incorporate visuals in your content.   

Using small and relevant videos, images, charts, and other forms of visuals can be an effective strategy for content writers to adopt. It’s not just about the words you incorporate in your content.

The effective use of visuals in content has proven to increase the time readers invest on a particular page.  

Using short yet descriptive filenames for your visuals and compressing the size of your visuals without compromising on their quality are considerations that are equally as important as the visual itself. In this way, you can follow the top SEO practices while incorporating visuals in your content.

10. Incorporating CTAs or Call To Action in your content. 

One of the ultimate aims for copywriters to achieve through their content is to grow their conversion rates. Users are coming to your website for a reason, and it is to find a solution to their needs.

So, why don’t you take them to the next level by triggering them to check out your products or services page, for instance? 

CTAs are the perfect tool for copywriters to show their viewers what they may be looking for next. As a copywriter, you can incorporate simple links to relevant pages, relevant buttons, images, and more through the Call-To-Action button on your website.  


These are ten top copywriting tips you can adopt to make your content more powerful and impactful for your audience.

So, go ahead and try experimenting with these strategies in your content today.

Content is indeed king. And if you use its power properly, the content you write will help take your business to new heights.

4 Responses

  1. #8 really is a biggie Aniya.

    Smart content hits the mark in helpfulness terms but bloggers need to present it in seamless fashion. Readers love well-organized, easy to digest and use blog posts. This requires mindfulness on the part of the blogger creating said posts.

    Make posts scannable. Some have a few moments to discern key points. Even folks who read the full post want information presented in seamless fashion.

    Think with readers in mind and you will lay out the post for a pleasing user experience.

  2. Thanx for your comment. Yes, it’s so important to organize content so readers can easily digest it and get the info they want quickly. You add a lot more value that way for sure!

    1. Agree with this completely. When you take the time to organize the content, it becomes more readable, and it creates a much smoother user experience.

      This moves the reader through the content to grab the insights they really need more quickly, which helps them form a bond with your brand and keeps them coming back for more.

  3. Great points, Aniya. Everything in integration will make a content piece really solid.

    Making users read your entire blog post.
    Driving them to take an action after reading the post.
    Getting social shares.
    And getting a natural flow of links…

    All these goals require a strategic writing approach, and all these points move the content creator in the right direction.

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