

Jessica Robinson

Choose an Ideal Niche for Starting a New Blog

Do you want to start a new blog, but you are not sure what to write about? If you answered ‘yes’, you are not alone. Many first-time bloggers (even seasoned bloggers) find it hard to choose the ideal niche for their new blog.  You must have thousands of ideas around your new blog. Or, perhaps, you struggle to come up with even one idea to start your blog and choose the best niche for you (and your readers). No matter

free your mind
Jessica Robinson

Top 7 Actionable Tactics to Overcome Writer’s Block

Writing is the core of content marketing. No matter what you do as a content marketer, writing is somehow involved in it. Doesn’t matter whether you work on a guest post, design a social media post, or create a video, writing is involved in everything. But, writing doesn’t always come easy. As writers, we often find ourselves in situations where we are unable to write. We feel as if some unknown force has blocked our ability to think and pen

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